Questionnaire Results
Below is a summary of the 509 responses to our initial questionnaire. Thank you so much to all of those who have responded so positively.

Positive Comments
I’ve always thought it is such a waste of a great building
We need a big community space
As a teenager / young adult our friendship group regularly used the amulet, unable to drive, it was a fantastic resource on our doorstep. It was hugely popular and I think it could be again. Shepton is desperate for community spaces to accommodate fitness classes, I’m sure this would fill the space during the day and possibly most evenings.
It’s such an amazing building it would be wonderful to have it open.
The Amulet coming back to use with any of the offers listed would have a transformative effect on the town, reinvigorate the town centre which is at the heart of community life, and tie together the various destinations that make Shepton Mallet such a great place to visit. A much needed development in progress.
This is so brilliant and could be the change we need in Shepton. I would support a multipurpose space and especially keen that theatre, community and arts are at the heart of this. Can share lots of evidence of need from across our programmes for a bigger venue in Shepton – esp for our collective schools programme and annual festival.
When it comes to this building the community has two choices: bring it back into economic use or demolish it. Doing nothing is not an option, firstly because it will become dangerous as it disintegrates, secondly because it is a drag on the local area and is plain ugly. I support the notion of bringing it back into economic use. There is a shortage of contemporary community space in Shepton (the town doesn’t have a town hall) and its location lends itself to be potentially transformative to the local area if it’s potential uses are carefully thought through and well implemented.
Music and theatre concerts of all genres is good for community spirit
If the funding was there and could sustain the running of it it would be a wonderful addition to the town
Hopefully to host a wide range of diverse groups and events. A large cafe would be great too, maybe one selling things like burgers, somewhere for teenagers to go.
Great idea, children’s theatre too!
The Amulet must offer a multi discipline varied program that attracts people from near and far. It should neither alienate the local population nor fail to attract people from as varied a demographic and locale as possible.
A small multi use space that could hold performances, films events and markets. Like a mini Cheese and Grain would be perfect.
I’m a professional sound engineer and I have a lot of experience working in theatres for live music across the entire UK. I have seen the massive positive impact a creative performance space such as this has on a place, and it’s people, and very much welcome the idea of bringing the Amulet back to life for future generations to enjoy.
Need to have stuff going on for all age groups to use and open daily for it to become fundable
A theatre space would be excellent. It’s wonderful to have a space, like Wookey.
It would be brilliant to have a central hub in the town for evening groups to meet
Could be used for carnival events and presentations, at the moment this has to take place outside of the town.
Music rehearsal space for groups and bands.
Give Shepton a vibrant core and a new future!
Negative Comments
There were a number of negative comments on social media when our campaign was announced. 2% of respondents commented that they would prefer to see the building demolished.